My son Jim graduated from the police academy in December. Since that time he has been with training officers on the street learning about each division, north and south.
About every four weeks he was assigned a new training officer who would impart their wisdom and knowledge to my son for his benefit to make him the best police officer he can be and an example to his community.
It’s been a journey and he has loved every minute of it. My mother remembers Jim at about age four changing his mind from wanting to drive a big garbage truck to being a police officer. He wrote an email to family and friends several months ago, saying that even on his worst day it was still a good day because he is doing what he loves, what he always wanted to do.
Several weeks ago when “on his own” sunk in, I realized it hadn’t seemed so scary to have a son as a police officer because I knew he was always with a trained officer. I took a deep breath, asked God to watch over him, and did what I always do, told him that I was proud of him and that he would pass the test like all the other testing in the academy and since.
Well the time has come. Four hours of an oral exam and four days of being shadowed on the job by another officer and now he is on his own.
Jim is working graveyard on his beat so I knew he wouldn’t call until the four days were over and he had some sleep. At 10:00 AM Saturday September 9th, 2006 he called. He is now a full fledged officer. Someday maybe he will be one of those training officers helping a rookie.
As a mom I would like to thank the following: the officers who selected my son for the police academy, the staff at the academy who made sure he completed his schooling, the training officers who worked with him on the street, his friends he met in the academy who have become a part of his life, and anyone else who has helped him fulfill his dream job.
Sacramento, CA is lucky to have a dedicated officer who is there to serve and protect.