Richard Jordan is a friend of my sister Mary and is a multi talented artist. He finds everyday items and unusual castoffs and turns them into beautiful works of art. He makes drawings that he leaves as thank you notes. Richard can decorate a room that looks like it belongs on HGTV and my sister’s house is a showpiece every year at Christmas.
Richard loves to garden and tenderly cares for both my sister’s garden and my mothers. He will show up at my mothers without her knowing it on a day he wasn’t scheduled to work and plant a few flowers and be gone as fast as he arrived. Sometimes he works for hours, losing track of time, only thinking of completing the task before him. He never complains about any job and my mother always has southern sweet tea waiting for him and some sort of homemade baked goods. He has a real sweet tooth.
For mother’s day he took five ordinary wood bird houses and turned them into works of art. We were all so stunned at what he could do in just a few hours. My sister Mary has been trying to get him to sell some of his art because they are unique pieces that you can’t find or buy in any store.
The little eggs were Easter gifts that Richard made for my mother and sister.
So if anyone is interested in a owing a piece of Richards art, send me a comment and I will put you in touch with my sister Mary.