The first Doctor appointment
Baby Atkinson is nine weeks and doing well. He or she has an arrival date of November 16th, 2009, which is my father’s birthday. If it is a boy, his middle name will be O’Neal, my father’s middle name, but it is also the middle name of my son Jim who Kelly will be giving the baby a name for.
Kyle heard the heart beat and Kelly said he freaked out, but in a good way. He hasn’t been around babies so all this is new to him, but he is being a very loving and supportive husband to Kelly. I am sure he will be a wonderful father.
Kelly wanted her grandmother to be the first to see the sonogram pictures and she emailed them today. Kelly said since I told her my mom is my best girlfriend then she picked my mom as her best girlfriend and she likes to tease me about it. We both win.
Kelly and Kyle have decided to let the doctors tell them the sex of the baby when she is far enough along to determine what the sex. I can hardly wait to buy pink, or blue, or green with flowers or monkeys, or whether the Harley outfit should have pink or blue on it. Not so fast.
Baby A had the hiccups when Kelly went to the doctor and it made it a little hard to hear the heartbeat because Baby A would move around so much. Kyle wasn’t sure hiccups were a good thing for his baby but Kelly assured him it was not different than one of them having hiccups.
Baby A is 16 weeks and doing great. He or she does not like to have his heart heard. Every time the doctor thought she was ready to listen, baby A moved and hid. Eventually he/she was found and a strong healthy heartbeat was heard. This baby is already taking control. Watch out Kelly and Kyle.
Kicking…like dad
June 24th Kyle felt the baby move for the first time. A MMA fighter in the making.
Introducing: Kyler O’Neal Danger Atkinson
Today, June 30th, Kelly and Kyle found out the sex of baby A. It’s a boy. Kyler is strong and healthy and both parents are on cloud nine. Me too!
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