What a day…cabinets are going in slowly. Trying to unpack the double oven cabinet and set it upright proved a small problem. The diagonal angle is more than the height of the ceiling so they had to cut a corner on the back of the cabinet. This will be hidden by the refrigerator panel but it was so sad to see our new cabinets being cut up that I had to cover my ears and walk away. I couldn’t bear to watch.
At the end of the day they had quite a few of the cabinets placed in the kitchen. Of course this is only a dry fit to make sure we have everything and the sizes are correct.
I actually got to stay home today and just chill--if you call being on pins and needles watching every move Bill and Tom made in the kitchen, chilling. Larry ran some errands and got out of the house for a short time.
The color of the cabinets is called Havana, like the Cuban cigar, and they are beautiful. Tom opened the island box so I could get a look at the cream white color. Our kitchen is going to be wonderful. The doors with glass panels are a small detail top and bottom with three small squares. We were not expecting this extra feature and it was a pleasant surprise.
Fickle…I am not fickle…but the saying is, "It’s a woman's prerogative to change her mind", right? Well guys can change their minds to and we are now on our fourth tile design for the downstairs guest bathroom. Larry said yes he liked the first tiles I brought home; but he didn’t sound like he loved it. The glass tiles I found at Lowe’s were twelve by thirteen and there was no clear way to divide them in any sort of even widths to install. So I brought home a border tile to go with the first tile which was still sitting in my studio and Larry said, “Sure, I like it, whatever you want.” That wasn’t what I was hoping to hear.
Friday morning I left early to get my hair done and then pick up the grout, a few things at Lowe’s, and a quick stop at Target to look at canisters. While I was at Lowe’s I noticed on the bottom shelf two different stone ledger tiles, one was quartz and the other one was slate. I called Larry and he said sure bring one home. Larry loved the tile because it is different and unique and Bill said there would be no problem installing it. Mission accomplished. Now another trip back to Home Depot to return all the other tiles and back to Lowe’s to buy more of the slate ledger tile for the bathroom. This will work out well in tying in the design materials and flooring to the living areas. Using the slate in the bathroom repeats the use of materials in the living area for a matching, unified look and the flooring ties both areas together.
We have a palette of soft French cream white, rich cigar brown, and slate with grey, red, brown, a touch of golden honey yellow, and the floors are a mellow pecan with a darker grain pattern. Calming, comforting, traditional, contemporary, transitional, modern, the newly renovated spaces reflect each of these descriptions. To us it is just home…our home.
Bob finished installing the flooring in the downstairs guest bathroom and about eighty-five of the kitchen cabinets are unboxed. Smooth sailing…not quit. It’s the end of the day and Bill is arranging for Troy to come out on Monday to help with the last details before the cabinets are permanently installed. We also discovered that one of the cabinets was not designed correctly. Since it is placed against a wall and flanked by two cabinets, I am not sure the cabinet for the hood vent can be installed until the correct cabinet comes. The whole purpose of planning, and more planning was to avoid wasted spaces, no lazy-susans, no dead cabinet spaces, no unusable spaces. We will have to wait until we talk to Troy on Monday to see what our options are.
We have not ordered the hardware for the cabinets but we need to do it quickly, although it probably won’t get installed for a couple of weeks.
The pièce de résistance was an email from Dave M saying anyone who wanted to ride on Saturday to meet up at Sehome Starbucks by 10:00 AM. Larry wrote back…yippee. This will be our first trip out on the Harley since July 2011. I am so excited to be able to ride with wind in my face…well not exactly, because I ride with a full face helmet. The weather prediction is for fifty degrees and sun. It was, but felt more like forty degrees and that is why they make under armor and heated gear. We rode south down Chuckanut to Skagit HD before heading to Conway, highway 9, Big Lake and stopping at Blue Mountain Grill for lunch where we ran into Monica and Dennis. From there we headed to Maple Falls, South Pass, back and forth on county roads until we wound up back in Ferndale. Thanks to Dave, Lorie, Dana, and Mike for a great riding with friends.
We made it back to Ferndale in time to ride the bike to Cornwall Church. Jake Locker was speaking tonight about playing high school football in Ferndale, playing for University of Washington, and now for the NFL Titans. He also spoke about his faith and what role that plays in his personal and professional life.
Home to a warm fire and a quiet evening.
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