Tuesday September 1st, 2009
Kyler O’Neal Danger Atkinson
2 lbs. 15 oz.
15 inches long
Kicking and punching right up until delivery and then he got quiet. They did chest compression on the little guy for a couple of minutes and then he was breathing on his own. They did give him a shot to strengthen his lungs and when he was stable he was whisked away from the Nellis Air Force Base Hospital to Sunrise Hospital near downtown Las Vegas.
So how did the morning begin for me? I heard the phone ringing and wondered why Larry wasn’t answering it. Just as I was about to wake him, I saw a light in the door way in realized someone was in my bedroom just as Michael spoke to me. He said he had been calling and I needed to get up, that Kelly was on the phone and had been calling me. I grabbed the phone and all I heard was mommy I’m in labor, come now. Michael grabbed my suitcase and I tried to think about what I put in a suitcase.
Larry drove me to the Bellingham airport and the Alaska/Horizon desk person said sorry you are too late to get out on this flight, security is closed. I saw people going through security and begged her, told her about my daughter in surgery and my grandson, and with a stone face she said no it would take 20 minutes to get you a ticket (it takes less than 5 minutes on line). I pleaded before sinking to the floor sobbing. I heard Larry talking with her and then he helped me up and said he would drive me to Seattle as we left.
Michael called and said he was packing a bag and told us he would meet us in town. I don’t remember much about the drive, except lying in the back seat praying that God would watch over my daughter and grandson. We arrived at the airport and Larry pulled out our suitcases and I kissed him good bye and ran for the ticket counter. A kind agent helped us find a ticket counter and a stranger took charge of us and ushered us through security. She said she didn’t work for the airlines but she had to be someone special because we went to the head of the line and right on through. She helped all the way to the N gates where she also happened to be going. The gate was closed and we told that they wouldn’t give us a ticket, the doors to the plane were closed, and again I was too late. We watched and they plane sat there for at least another 20 minutes as we were told we should have never been allowed through security with the pass we were given by the Alaska ticket agent.
We took the train back to concourse D and started again with our story at customer service. This agent looked appalled at what we had been through and told. She put us on the next plane out and upgraded us to first class. Waiting for that plane was a relief but 2 ½ hours seemed like an eternity.
Kelly Walker picked us up at the airport and we went straight to Sunrise Hospital per Kelly’s instructions to check on baby Kyler, or as the doctors were calling him since his birth, baby Danger. The whole second floor is a neonatal intensive care unit or NICU. Kyler is in bed 2022. We were greeted with a nurse who had our names on a list and told how to scrub in. Wash, disinfect three times and if we touched anything after we entered the room we had to use another disinfectant.
Tiny cannot even describe baby Kyler and yet he is perfect in every way. Ten toes, fingers, hair the nurse said most women would dye for because it is platinum, blonde, brown, frosted, all of that combined. He is lying fully stretched out and lying under the lamps to help with jaundice and his skin tone which is pink but the nurse said was a little too red. Michael called this the Las Vegas tan. He is just amazing. Kyler is breathing on his own but with a c-pack machine to give him air in his passages. He is on antibiotics for three days just to be safe. They say he can cry a soft little squeaky voice and he has a temper when made and scrunches up his face. They also said he quiets down quickly when talked to. Danger…MMA fighter…watch out.
We took pictures and when I put my finger next to his tiny hand he held onto me. If had not already stole my heart before, he certainly owned it now.
Next stop was to see Kelly and give her a report on Kyler. She was sleepy and wide awake. We showed her the pictures on the camera and told her all about her baby Kyler. She had only a quick glance before the NICU team took him away after delivery. Then Kelly told us how her morning began.
For two days she had been to the hospital telling them she didn’t feel well and that Kyler wasn’t moving around. They told her she might have a kidney infection but the test result didn’t show anything. She thought her water broke but after the exam they sent her home after placing the fetal monitor higher on her stomach than the baby was positioned. One the third day she woke at 3:00 AM and started calling friend. She drove her self to the hospital where she was admitted and dilated to 5cm. Now it was going to be an emergency c-section.
She said it didn’t feel like she had a baby because she was numb during delivery and she had no baby to hold or look at. She had one thought and that was to walk down the hall and show the nurses she could go home and therefore go to the hospital to see Kyler. Her mind was made up and she was determined that on Wednesday she would go home. We kissed her goodnight and hoped she would get a little sleep.
Praise be to God for watching over Kelly and Kyler. Thanks to my wonderful husband who said go and helped me get to Las Vegas as quickly as possible. Thanks to Michael (now know as uncle Michael) for holding me, holding me together, and getting me to Las Vegas without totally breaking down. To uncle Jim who held vigil waiting for news and praying for Kelly and Kyler. Thank you to family, friends, and complete strangers who added Kelly and Kyler to their prayer chains across the US. To my mom and her amazing church and thier prayer chain. Thanks to my sister Mary who kept family and facebook updated so everyone knew what was going on. Thanks to Kelly's aunts, uncles, and cousins who sent emils, text messages, and phone call to check on her and let her know they were praying for her. Thanks to my small group, my HOG famil, and friends who called and sent emails with well wishes and prayers for Kelly and Kyler to have a safe postive outcome.
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