Thursday 9-3-09
Kelly slept most of the night and she looks rested and relaxed. I fixed her scrambled eggs with bagels and cream cheese for breakfast, and she ate most of it. She showered, fixed her hair, did her make-up, put on a cute little summer dress, and she was ready to go visit her son. Look good, feel good.
Kyler is sleeping under the lights getting his Las Vegas tan. He is finished with his antibiotics today and is being fed every six hours and doing well. Because he is so small, he sometimes forgets things…like breathing. So now baby Kyler is getting shots of caffeine, twice a day. Kelly sits by Kyler’s bedside caressing him, talking sweetly to him, and letting him know his mommy is right there for him.
Marissa, Kelly’s friend went with us to the hospital and she is amazed by how tiny Kyler is and yet so perfect. The comment everyone seems to make when they seem him the first time.
Kyler begins to move around. He likes being stretched out, not bundled up and swaddled. A tiny squeak of a cry turns into a protest of unhappy faces and flailing arms. I asked the nurse if she could do something to help quiet Kyler and relieve Kelly’s anxious nerves. A pacifier! Kyler already had one in his bassinet and he took it right away…no more cry’s and he quickly drifted back to sleep with mom resting a hand on his soft downy head.
We took pictures and videos to send to Kyle and all the relatives and friends. We spent about three hours at the hospital, but it seemed much shorter. I asked the nurse if she could remove the bassinet top so Kelly could kiss Kyler good-bye. Just as we started nurse to walk away the nurse asked if grandma would like to give him a kiss. Kelly laughed and said I was going to cry on Kyler. I didn’t. I waited until after I kissed him to cry. Today I kissed an angel sent by God. The top of his little head was warm and soft and my first thought was I am never going to wash these lips again.
Look out Larry; I think baby Kyler just stole my heart.
I took the girls to lunch at Blueberry Hill, a small restaurant near the base. It had pages and pages of menu items and everything served all day and fifties music played in the background. The girls ordered breakfast and I had lunch. We dropped Marissa off and then it was time to take a nap. Kelly went back to the hospital in the evening and I ran a couple of errands for her. I can actually get off base and find my way back again. I have a 30 days visitor pass so I can come and go without Kelly.
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