Day 2
Wednesday September 2nd, 2009
Kelly called me around 8:00 AM and said they were going to discharge her from the hospital. Michael and I showered and headed off to the hospital.
Kelly had already been up walking the night before and again this morning. It has been just a little over 24 hours since she had major surgery, a c-section, and although she didn’t get much sleep last night she is talkative, witty, and impatient to see her baby Kyler.
We made a quick stop at Babies R Us for a few things and then we were off to Sunrise Hospital to see Kyler.
Kelly didn’t get to hold Kyler but she sat next to his beside and held him, her hand covering his tiny body and he moved when she touched him and talked to him. He held the tip of her finger with his tiny hand and quieted down as she spoke softly to him and touched his silky head.
Michael had to fly home later that day so Kelly had us bring the Dr. Seuss book “Oh The Places You’ll Go” that she had been reading to Kyler while he was still in the womb. It was sweet to watch and one of my favorite lines is, “Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So…get on your way”.
Kyler is breathing on his own and will start regular feedings tonight. He had his first bowl movement and that is a good sign that he body functions are working. Kyle called the hospital in the early morning hours, he is in Iraq and there is a 10 hour time difference. The nurses are wonderful keeping him update on Kyler’s progress and they put the telephone up to Kyler so he could hear his daddy’s voice.
We took pictures to send to Kyle trying to show him how big his son was. Kelly’s fist is as big as Kyler’s head. Her index finger is as long as Kyler’s forearm. Everyone thinks Kyler looks just like his dad. He’s strong; he’s a fighter, and a survivor.
The charge nurse said the nurses and staff would become Kyler and Kelly’s family and support team to help them and her family all the way through until Kyler is discharged from the hospital and goes home.
A whole floor at Sunrise Hospital is devoted to neonatal care. One of Kyler’s roommates is a little girl born at 24 weeks and she has been there 2 weeks and doing well. Another baby was jus arriving with a full team of nurses and doctors. Doctors are available for questions and the nurses are dedicated to their little charges that arrive in the world sooner than expected.
Kyler’s lights are off, his protective eye gear is off, and he can see mom for the first time!
Before we left for the afternoon Kyler’s nurse was getting him ready to insert an IV. He cried that tiny little squeaky cry, almost like a baby kitten’s mew, protesting being disrupted from his sleep. Kelly spoke softly to him and soothed his cries away.
I asked if Kelly could kiss her son goodbye and the nurse said yes. The nurse held baby Kyler aloft and Kelly placed several soft kiss on the top of his head. The nurse then asked Kelly if she would like to hold him. I don’t think she could have answered yes any faster than she did. The nurse placed Kyler into Kelly’s waiting hands and she held up as close as she could and kissed him several more times. I couldn’t cry, I needed a picture for her to look at later and send to Kyle.
The Red Cross is working to see if Kyle can get a family emergency leave for a couple of weeks to come home and be with his wife and son.
It’s almost midnight and Kelly and I are reflecting on our time with baby Kyler. She wants some mother daughter bonding time; she wants to compare c-section scars. If it makes her smile and relax, okay.
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